Monday, January 31, 2011

Notes on Guns Germs and Steel

  • All great civilizations have one thing in common,
  • To discover inequality you must go to a time where there was no inequality
    • Ancient Middle East, humans survived after ice age
  • Hunter Gatherers, making shelters wherever they could hunt animals and gather food
    • New Guinea is one of the only places where there are still hunters and gatherers
    • Wild Sago, main source of plant gathered
    • Women did gathering
  • Barley and Wheat were found in the Middle East
    • Grains had a lot of protein
    • Ice age conditions returned
  • Dra, a digsite in the Middle East
    • Archeologists discovered a small village, created around the time when the end of the drought
    • They stored grains, small hut that is closed off and protects the grain from water, bugs, etc.
    • Mostly Wheat and Barley
    • Because this was the first community people probably had jobs
    • First farmers in the world
    • They interupted the cycle of plant growing, favoring the better characteristics of plants
    • Domestication - most useful to humans
  • Hunter Gatherers could not produce as much food as farmers did
  • Ancient China
    • Rice
  • Ancient U.S
    • squash, corn, and beans
  • New Guinea
    • Highlands were most densly populated with the most extensive farmers
    • Have been farming for a long time
    • No one believed any one lived there
    • Now farm localized bananas
    • Sometimes eat giant spiders to supplement protein in their diet since they had very little
  • Inequalities were born from the crops we eat
    • Wheat
    • Wealth of Modern America could never survive from plants like Taro
  • People survived by producing better crops
    • New source of food : domesticated animals

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