Friday, May 27, 2011

today's class 5/27/11

Today in western civ we reviewed the last part of the packet we recieved the other day. Mr. Schick also gave us a worksheet to work on over the weekend.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Today's class 5/26/11

Today in western civ class Mr. Schick decided to  take us outside! It was really fun, although it go really hot. W reviewed our packet on Rome and discussed some of the questions. And of cource, the occasional bee and ant problem.....But over all it was a good class

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Today's class and homework 5/25/11

Define: Inflation - an increase in the supply of currency or credit relative to the availability of goods and services, resulting in higher prices and lowering of the amount any money is worth

Diocletian - was a Roman emperor, who tried to rebuild the once succesfull empire but failed
Constantine - a yound Roman commander who inspired christianity to become a religion in Rome
eastern empire - what Diocletian named the Latin-speaking part of Rome, wealthier than the western empire
Western empire - what Diocletian named the Greek - peaking portion of Rome, was also far less weathly than the eastern empire
Edict of Milan - a speech given by Constantine in Milan, " both to the Christians and to all men freedom to follow the religion that they choose."
Constantinople - the capitol of the western Roman empire, during Constantine's rule
Huns - and extremly aggressive group of bararians, feared by even the Germanic people
Attila - the cheif of the Huns. He was violent and feared by many, and he sacked 70 cities in the east. A bishop names Leo I was the only person to have ever stopped him
Leo I - a Christian bishop who stopped Attila the Hun from destroying Rome completely

Questions and Answers:

  1. Trade was disrupted by barbarian raid and by bands of pirates. Cold and silver was drained away to buy luxuries from different countries. Their expenses were rapidly getting higher, and Rome started producing coins that contains almost no silver anymore. their prices reached and iunflation, growing of prices. Harvests also grew to be less and less.
  2. Tribes of barbarians called Goths repeatedly overran the legions in Rome. The Persians at one point even defeated Rome in 260 A.D. Roime now fought for money rather than patriotism. Also to keep prices down, they hired barbarian, who worked for far less. Their trust, however, could hardly be trusted.
  3. Constantine accpeted the Christian religion and encouraged others in Rome to do the same. A key fact is that he ordered artisans to paint Christian symbols on soldier's shields. He became the emperor of the western half of the empire. He attributed his victory against his long time rival to the power of the Christian God. Constantine also moved the capitol from to Byzantium in Turkey. The shift in the capitol was a great advantage to the empire. Thus it shifted from west to east. The city's name was changed to Constantinople, and now both empires were Christian.
  4. When Rome was still strong, the Germanic people respected their boundaries. The Germanic people feared the Huns greatly, so when they started to move west, the Germanic people destroyed the western half of the Roman empire. The western empire was so disorganized now, that it could not even muster up a medium sized army to defend themselves.
  5. Three reason why Diocletian was a good emperor:
    1. To beat inflation, he used a price and wage system
    2. To secure boundaires, he enlarged the armies
    3. To improve administration, he divided Rome into the eastern Greek-speaking half and the Latin-speaking western half.
  6. Three reasons why Diocletian was a failure:
    1. Wages for the new troops added to the already high taxes on people.
    2. Price controls failed.
    3. A civil war brok out after he retired.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Today's class 5/23/11

Today in western civ we continued work on our papers. We did peer editing today. Brad's paper was so long!! It was crazy! But other than that it was nicely written. I can't wait till all the papers are done. I'm excited to see all the well written papers!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Today's class 5/19/11

today in western civ we took a test on the Roman empire. it was pretty easy, and i'm pretty sure i did good on it. Mr. Schick gave us an assignment to do over the next few day, due Monday. We are to write a 500 word paper, on The Roman Empire versus the Roman Republic. It seems pretty easy.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Today's class 5/18/11

Today in western civ we reviewed a great deal for our test tomorrow. We recieved a powerpoint on most of the information we will need to study. For half the class period Mr. Schick let us break into groups and study. I think I'll get an A on this test. It seems easy.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Today's class 5/13/11 and notes about Caligula

  • the third emperor of Rome
  • His real name was Gaius
  • Caligula's father, Germanicus, was the nephew and adopted son of Tiberus
  • After his father died, his brothers were sentenced to death, one was starved to death and the other committed suicide and was then dragged through the streets. His body parts were so scattered that is was impossible to find them all
  • The first two years of his reign, he was a moderate and noble ruler
  • Later he became an "insane tyrant" according to sources
  • During his reign, he tried to strengthen the authority of the emperor
  • He created notoriously luxorius buildings for himself
  • In his reign, he annexed the Kingdom of Mauretania and made it into a province
  • In early 41, Caligula was assasinated by a conspiracy of the Praetorian Gaurd
today in class we finished the movie and got into group to compare notes and write about the three emperors of Rome.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

today's class 5/11/11

Today in western civ class we got back into Rome, studying the Roman empire. We are watching a video about it, and taking notes. I'm guessing tomorrow we will be watching more of it. It seems pretty interesting to me. If only there wasn't so much information!

Monday, May 9, 2011

today's class 5/9/11

Today in western civ class we reviewed the greece and rome tests that we took a few weeks back. Igot an A on greece and a 100 on rome. they were so easy. Exams are coming up so Mr Schick let us keep the test paper and write the answers in to study from.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Today in west civ we took a test, it was really easy, pretty sure i got a hundred. If not then deffinietly and A. :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Today's class 5/5/11

Today in western civ class we presented our projects on the Ancient Rome rap. (and I capitalized Rome this time!) here are my notes on all the presentations:

Para. 1
The Etruscans had a written language, which the Romans later used in their technique form
Greek gods and goddesses
Latin's were the first to live in the area
Tiber river located on the shore of the Tiber rive, middle of the peninsula
Tarquin the Proud - he was a control freak and people got angry and overthrew him, last king they ever had
Republic government was formed
Draining the swamp, created Rome

Para. 3
Latifunda is a huge estate or villa, farmers could not work their land so it was sold to the wealthy
Farmers then produced wine and oil for exportation
The rich then used slaves to tend to the land, they were much cheaper
Gracchus Brothers: Tiberius and Gaius
Plebian nobles, served as tribunes elected officials
Attempted to pass a land reform that would redistribute huge pieces of patrician land among the plebeians
Considered founding fathers of socialism and populism
Both were assassinated for their attempts

Para. 4
Julius Caesar was bon on July 12 100 BC
Played a critical role in the change of Rome from a republic to an empire
Led roman victory against Gaul
Became a dictator for ten years
Sulla tried to kill Caesar, and Caesar bribed him to spare his life
First Triumvirate
Crassus and Pompey led a political alliance with Caesar, and they dominated Roman politics for several years
They had no official status
Shallow river in northeastern Italy
When Caesar crossed the river, it was considered war
Gallic Wars
Series of military campaigns lead by Julius Caesar
Fought against Gaul and won
"Dictator in perpetuity" - dictator for life
Marcus Junius Brutus assassinated Caesar

Para. 5
Murder of Julius Caesar
He was dictator of Rome
Killed by a group of senators, including Marcus Brutus
Killed on the Ides of March, in the theater of Pompey
The Senate was afraid he was getting too powerful

Para. 6
Second Triumvirate
Octavius was born into and equestrian family
Father was first one to become a Senator in the family, but died when Octavius was 4
He died at Nola right before his 76th birthday
Roman patrician who became a member of the Second Triumvirate
Last pharaoh of Egypt
Represented herself as an ancient goddesses
Committed suicide
Mark Antony and her got together
Octavius, Antony, and Lepidus formed a three man government, called the Second Triumvirate
Cleopatra tried to take over Octavius's power, but he remained in power and changed his name to Augustus and lived on

Para. 7
Pax Romana
Latin for roman peace, period of peace and small expansion
Roman roads
Allowed romans to move armies and goods, and to communicate
The Roman road system was more than 400,000 km or roads
Roman Gladiators
Ancient people thought they were sacrificial games while they're actually a fight ot the death
Circus Maximus
Largest roam gladiator coliseum in Rome

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Today's class 5/4/11

Today in west civ Mr Schick was not there so we got the whole class period to work on our Powerpoint Projects. Olivia and I had finished ours already so we basicaly got a free, although I still did some homework. I wonder why he was not here.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Today's class 5/2/11

Today in western civ class we recieved a new project. We were assigned a paragraph of Chi Cago's rap and were told to write about it in a powerpoint. It is due wednesday and we could be in pairs. My group has paragraph 2. I think it is a fairly easy project. We also talked about the death of Osama Bin Ladden and somehow the movie Princess Bride. I have to see that movie!!!