Friday, April 29, 2011

today's class 4/29/11

Today in western civ class we took a retake on the second pop quiz we took yesterday. Thank you again Mr. Schick! and we also heard a rap made by Mr Schick. it was really cool, and for homework we have to find 10 pics relating to the song, Here they are:


Circus Maximus



Julius Caeser's death

Julius Caeaser


Roman legion

Tiber rive wall depiction


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Today's werid class 4/28/11

Today in western civ we took another pop quiz on the second set of readings we got. I think i failed. I mean it hard to retain alot of info like that especially since its a lot of paragraphs and pages. Hopefully if we have anymore pop quizzes I will do better on them. We also had a couple tornado warnings today and had to sit out in the hallways for a while. It was kinda weird.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Today's class 4/27/11

A.    Consul: A consul is like a king in that he commanded armies and directed the government.  Rome had two and they could only rule for one year and not be elected again for ten years.
B.     Veto: Means “I forbid” and is a way to overrule another consuls decisions.
C.     Senate: Was the aristocratic branch of Rome’s government.
D.    Assembly: Was the democratic side of Rome’s government.  It consisted of all the citizen-soldiers of Rome.
E.     Dictator: Only used in times of crisis, a dictator had absolute power to make laws and command the army.  Their power only lasted six months.  They were chosen by the consuls and elected by the senate.
F.      Mercenary: Soldiers who fight for a country for pay.

1.      (a)Why were many plebeians dissatisfied with Rome’s government in the early years of the republic?
They were dissatisfied because they were barred from holding most important positions in government, like; commanding armies, high priests, and high offices.

(b)How did they win reforms?
They won reforms by refusing to fight in the Roman army unless there were reforms.

(c)What changes did they bring about in Roman government?
They gained access to government positions, more favorable laws, enslavement for debt was ended, marriage between plebeians and patricians was allowed, and the creation of a written law, called the twelve tablets, was established.
2.      Why did Romans consider that they had a balanced government?
They thought they had a balanced government because it was a part monarchy, part aristocracy, and part democracy, which they thought gave them the best mixture of governments.

3.      Once Rome had conquered most of Italy, how did the roman government win the support of the conquered people?
They won support because they willing to extend citizenship to those outside of Rome.  The new citizens became partners in the growth of Rome.

4.      (a)At the start of the Punic Wars, why might Carthage have appeared the stronger power?
Carthage was three time the size of Rome, they had a large navy of 500 ships, they were very wealthy, and were able to hire mercenaries.

(b)Why was Rome, in fact, the victor?
Rome had the advantage of drawing on a 500,000 soldier reserve, their citizens were more loyal, and war was Rome’s specialty, since they spent so many years pursuing it.

5.      Why was the battle of Zama a major turning point in history?
Because Rome was victorious.  If Carthage had won the war then they would have become the greatest empire in history and Rome would not have passed down its laws, government, and culture to western civilization.

6.      (a)Why did the Greeks at first welcome Roman Armies?
They first welcomed them because they thought the Roman’s were protectors.  The Roman’s had freed the Greeks from Philip V of Macedon.

(b)Why did the Greek attitude change?
Their attitude changed because the Roman’s interfered in Greek politics and they became increasingly ruthless.

Today in western civ we took a pop quiz and then reviewed the answers and the readings from last night. Tonight we got more readings to do.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Today's class and homework 4/26/11

Words and their Definitions :)
  • Patrician - specially privaleged families; they dominated Roman cities
  • Plebian - free citizans with a number of rights, including voting
  • Legion - a massive miliatry unit of 4,000-6,000 foot soldiers
  • Century - 100 years
  • Republic - political unit, not ruled by a monarchy, where citizans have the right to vote
  • Gravitas - weightiness or seriousness
  • Pater Familias - father of the family
  • Toga - an uncomfortable garment of clothing. Usually a large wool blanket, women wore more dressy garments called stolas.
Questions and their Answers :)
  1. How did georgraphy help Rome?
    1. Rome is located midway between the Alps and Italy's southern tip. Thus the city is a central point within a central penninsula. Occupies an ideal position to send out armies and ships in all directions. Has many key trade routes
  2. Why was each of the following groups important to Romes development (A) Latins, (B) Greeks, (C) Etruscans?
    1. Latins: Rome began as a settlement of Latin shepards. Romulus built his wall around this hill of shepards.
    2. Greeks: established about 50 colonies on the coast of southern Italy and Sicily. The numerous reeks were called the Greater Greeks (Magnus Graecia)
    3. Etruscans: May have come from Asia Minor, and were more civilized than the Latin's. Had a writing system. Roamn buildings show influence of Etruscan architecture. Also helped develop Roman trade.
  3. What were the values of early Roman society?
    1. Romans valued family ties. The heart of Roman society was family. The household belonged exclusively to one person - the eldest man or father of the house. (pater familias). Women ran the household, father acted as the chief priest.
  4. (A) How was the Roman household organized? (B)What freedoms did women have in family and in society?
    1. The father acted as the protector and priest of the house. Women ran the household.
    2. Women ate with their husbands, and she often advised him on buisness and politics. Oficcially the Roman woman was expected to remain in the background and they could not vote.
  5. How was the army linked to the Roman society?
    1. All men were required to serve in the army. You had to join the army before you could do anything else in society. Rifhting Roman-style meant being a part of the legion.

Today in class Mr. Schick came back from being sick. He didn't seem like himself today though. Very out of it, and....crazy if you will. Very entertaining though. After today's class....I think we all need help.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

today's class 4/20/11

Today in western civ we took a test on Ancient Greece. It wasn't that hard. I am pretty sure I will get a good grade on it. Mr Schick was not here today so we had a sub.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Today's class 4/18/11

Today in western civ we reviewed for out test on wednesday since we do not have class on tuesday. We talked about things such as Alexander the Great, the Poetry, the Philosophers, Architecture, etc. I have to say I think this test will be pretty easy. Oh and we had an extremely odd prayer session today...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Today's class 4/15/11 and the movie: Alexander

Today in class we are watching another movie. The first scene we watched was about when Alexander tamed his horse Bucephalus. The horse was afraid of his shadow and Alexander taught it how to ride without seeing his shadow. The next scene is where Alexander and his men prepare for battle. Then they show the battle scene where they battled the Persians. It was a very gruesome battle, one of the worst Alexander has ever been in.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Today's class and notes 4/14/11

  • He was critizied by the Athenians: head was too big, eye weretoo large, etc
  • He walked barefoot, clad only in a ditry robe
  • did not care about appearance, only the mind
  • looking for a revolution
  • People took the gods out of the objects and replaced them with reason
  • Birth of Science
    • first great greek scientist: Thalese: could figure out the height of almost anything
    • Thalese wrote the first book about how to sail at night using the stars
  • Socrates created a new way of thinking, using reason to decipher people
  • spent his days in conversation, talking and debating with anyone who would talk
  • He says things like: My eyes are more beautiful because they bulge out so I can see better
  • Socrates said that you should base your knowledge on what you think is right and wrong
  • The unexamined life is not worth living
  • The Plague in Athens
    • would kill many people
    • the population was so crowded behind the wall, that it spread like wild fire
    • somewhere between 1/3 and 2/3 of the population died
    • Pericles also died from the Plague in 429 BC
    • Athens now faced the potential to go into mob rule
    • After Pericles death, Athens never had a leader with an actual plan to better the city or to help them
    • Over 50,000 men were either captured or killed in the war with Sparta and Sicily
    • Socrates was arrested on charges of undermining the state relogion
    • he constantly questioned the city's policys
    • Was to be killed with deat hby hemlock (poisonous plant)
    • Was never upset or angry or scared of facing death. Was always calm
    • Socrates believed man should question the world around him
    • He died for his principles

Today in class we watched the rest of the Ancient Greece movie. These are my notes.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Alexander the Great's Conquests
  • Where did he die?
    • Babylon
  • He is known as what?
    • The greatest leader of all time
  • What was his horse's name?
    • Bucephalus
Grade: 99

  • When did he live?
    • around 8th century BC
  • What is he known most for?
    • The Illiad and the Odyssey
  • Some people belive he wasn't what?
    • Real
Grade: 98

Monday, April 11, 2011

Today's class and questions 4/11/11

Battles and Wars
  • Why was the Phalanx maneuver good?
    • It created a wall of shields
  • Hoplites were usually what?
    • citizen soldiers
  • In the battle of Marathon, who won against who?
    • Athens beat the Persians
Grade: 100

Trial of Socrates
  • What did he teach to his students?
    • that the earth was not the center of the universe
  • Socrates explained that the season don't what?
    • The season don't change because of the gods
  • Why did he die?
    • He was accused of blasphemy
Grade: 99

Friday, April 8, 2011

Greek Drama
  • What were spoken before the chorus?
    • Prolouge
  • Who was the writer of the first comedys?
    • Aristophanes
  • Who played all roles?
    • Men
Grade 98

  • What type of poetry was read to the public with lyrics being made up on spot?
    • Oral Composition
  • Who was the greatest female poet?
    • Sappho
  • The Greeks did what with their poems?
    • memorized them
Grade: 98

The Golden Age/ The Age Of Pericles
  • He was born a what which is a symbol of greatness?
    • A Lion
  • Who never got an education?
    • girls
  • Who wrote most of Pericles speeches?
    • Aspasia
Grade: 100

Greek Architecture
  • What style was used to build the Parthenon?
    • Doric Style
  • Which style was hardly ever used?
    • Corinthian Style
  • What was the third style of srchitecture?
    • Ionic Style
Grade: 100

Thursday, April 7, 2011

today's class 4/7/11

Math and Science
  • Who invented Geometry?
    • Euclid
  • Who discovered pie?
    • Pythagoras
  • Who disocvered the circumfrence of the earth?
    • Eratosthenes
Grade: 98

(*every thing in the world can be proved with science, math, and reason*)

Alexander's Youth
  • Who was his tutor?
    • Aristotle
  • What was his horse's name?
    • Beucephalus
  • How old was he when he died?
    • at 33
Grade: 100

The Parthenon
  • Who was it built by?
    • Pericles
  • Who is it dedicated to?
    • the godess Athena
  • How many columns does it have?
    • 46 outside
Grade: 100

  • Who were the three main philopsophers
    • Aristolte, Plato, and Socrates
  • What did Aristotle focus on?
    • Western philosophy
  • What was the method of quetions and answers method that Socrates invented?
    • Socratic method
Grade: 100

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Todays class and 3 questions

Greek Art:
  • Whats was the most respected form of art in ancient Greece?
    • Painting
  • What order was named after the city of Corinth?
    • Corinthian Order
  • Waht order was the Parthenon built in?
    • Doric Order

Grade: 99

The Olympics
  • The Games were held in honor of what Greek god?
    • Zeus
  • How long did the Games last?
    • 5 days
  • Only free men who spoke what could participate?
    • Greek
Grade: 98

Monday, April 4, 2011

Today's class 4/4/11

Today in class we had a presentation. It was on the Peloponnesian war. Caitlin made cupcakes for us to eat! Tasha also made a cake that we ate, but she didn't get to present because we were short on time. She'll go Wednesday. Both treats were really good as well as the presentation!!

Project notes 4/4/11

Peloponnesian War:
  • How long did the war last?
    • 24 years
    • 27 years (right answer)
    • 30 years
    • 40 years
  • Why did Athens lose the war?
    • the Plauge
  • Who was the war between?
    • Athens and Sparta