Thursday, April 7, 2011

today's class 4/7/11

Math and Science
  • Who invented Geometry?
    • Euclid
  • Who discovered pie?
    • Pythagoras
  • Who disocvered the circumfrence of the earth?
    • Eratosthenes
Grade: 98

(*every thing in the world can be proved with science, math, and reason*)

Alexander's Youth
  • Who was his tutor?
    • Aristotle
  • What was his horse's name?
    • Beucephalus
  • How old was he when he died?
    • at 33
Grade: 100

The Parthenon
  • Who was it built by?
    • Pericles
  • Who is it dedicated to?
    • the godess Athena
  • How many columns does it have?
    • 46 outside
Grade: 100

  • Who were the three main philopsophers
    • Aristolte, Plato, and Socrates
  • What did Aristotle focus on?
    • Western philosophy
  • What was the method of quetions and answers method that Socrates invented?
    • Socratic method
Grade: 100

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