Friday, April 8, 2011

Greek Drama
  • What were spoken before the chorus?
    • Prolouge
  • Who was the writer of the first comedys?
    • Aristophanes
  • Who played all roles?
    • Men
Grade 98

  • What type of poetry was read to the public with lyrics being made up on spot?
    • Oral Composition
  • Who was the greatest female poet?
    • Sappho
  • The Greeks did what with their poems?
    • memorized them
Grade: 98

The Golden Age/ The Age Of Pericles
  • He was born a what which is a symbol of greatness?
    • A Lion
  • Who never got an education?
    • girls
  • Who wrote most of Pericles speeches?
    • Aspasia
Grade: 100

Greek Architecture
  • What style was used to build the Parthenon?
    • Doric Style
  • Which style was hardly ever used?
    • Corinthian Style
  • What was the third style of srchitecture?
    • Ionic Style
Grade: 100

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