Thursday, April 14, 2011

Today's class and notes 4/14/11

  • He was critizied by the Athenians: head was too big, eye weretoo large, etc
  • He walked barefoot, clad only in a ditry robe
  • did not care about appearance, only the mind
  • looking for a revolution
  • People took the gods out of the objects and replaced them with reason
  • Birth of Science
    • first great greek scientist: Thalese: could figure out the height of almost anything
    • Thalese wrote the first book about how to sail at night using the stars
  • Socrates created a new way of thinking, using reason to decipher people
  • spent his days in conversation, talking and debating with anyone who would talk
  • He says things like: My eyes are more beautiful because they bulge out so I can see better
  • Socrates said that you should base your knowledge on what you think is right and wrong
  • The unexamined life is not worth living
  • The Plague in Athens
    • would kill many people
    • the population was so crowded behind the wall, that it spread like wild fire
    • somewhere between 1/3 and 2/3 of the population died
    • Pericles also died from the Plague in 429 BC
    • Athens now faced the potential to go into mob rule
    • After Pericles death, Athens never had a leader with an actual plan to better the city or to help them
    • Over 50,000 men were either captured or killed in the war with Sparta and Sicily
    • Socrates was arrested on charges of undermining the state relogion
    • he constantly questioned the city's policys
    • Was to be killed with deat hby hemlock (poisonous plant)
    • Was never upset or angry or scared of facing death. Was always calm
    • Socrates believed man should question the world around him
    • He died for his principles

Today in class we watched the rest of the Ancient Greece movie. These are my notes.

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