Friday, April 15, 2011

Today's class 4/15/11 and the movie: Alexander

Today in class we are watching another movie. The first scene we watched was about when Alexander tamed his horse Bucephalus. The horse was afraid of his shadow and Alexander taught it how to ride without seeing his shadow. The next scene is where Alexander and his men prepare for battle. Then they show the battle scene where they battled the Persians. It was a very gruesome battle, one of the worst Alexander has ever been in.

1 comment:

  1. There is more information about this rubric at Greek Project Rubric (found under the Links to History on my blog).

    1) 25/25
    2) 24/25
    3) 25/25
    4) 25/25

    Total: 99/100

    Great research, and terrific information in your PowerPoint. Maybe fewer words, more images, and a livelier presentation would make it even more effective. Nice work!

    (Your classmates gave you a 93.)
