Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Movie Notes 3/16/11

  • 508 BC, the people revolted against their government
  • Cleisthenes
  • 570 BC Cleisthenes was born
  • aristocrat - greeks word for member of the ruling class, had wealth
  • town was built around the acropolis - big outcropping of rock
  • common athenians were mostly middle-class
    • followed under aristocratic rule
  • it was impossible for one ruler to dominate this fragmented places
  • divided into city states
  • because they were separated by all these mts., all of Greece was not united
    • competed for trade dollars, claimed war on eachother
    • rivals (especialyl Athens and Sparta)
  • one city-state with military power
  • Sparta
    • brought up from birth to be soldiers
    • lives structred around discipline and war
    • brought up to put up with anything
  • Cleisthenes was always one to be powered by a dream
  • bards sang stories of ancient heroes
  • Homer wrote the Illiad and the Odyssey
  • Odyessey is the story of Odysseus and his journey back home over 10 years
  • tyrant
  • Pisistratus- excellent polition, Cleisthenes's brother-in-law
    • turned to the common athenians for support
    • treating the regular people really well
    • cuts taxes on people
    • lent them money, if they wanted to grow anything themselves

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