Friday, March 11, 2011

Notes on Ancient Greece 3/11/11

  • would set his fellow Greeks on the path to an empire
  • born around 570 BC
  • from Early on he had been taught that he was an aristocrat, Greek
  • Athens was built around the acropolis
  • reading and writing was a rare skill, no science and medicine, and life expectancy was around 15 yrs
  • common athenians were ruled under the aristocrats
Physical world of Greece
  • too many mts.
  • not really associated with the impearial world
  • off the3 coast was tiny little islands
  • all cities divided into little City-States
    • Corinth
    • Clysteneese-Athens
  • On city state with military power
  • Sparta
    • taught from a very early age to fight, taken from families
    • life striped of comforts
    • wore red, so that blood could not be seen
    • ruthless expansionists
  • Clysteneese has always been a great invionist
  • travleing bargs told stories to anyone who would lay
  • Most famous
    • the Illiad
    • and the Odyssey
  • Greek heroes, determined to seek victory at all costs
  • Model of a great hero was what Clysteneese was brought up to follow
  • Clysteneese was not the only one to take the tales of the hero to heart
    • One man seized the cities
    • Woman he claimed, was Athena
    • was actually Clysteneese's brother-in-law
    • Pisistrotus
  • With the rise of Pisistrotus, the land prospered. Through olive production, they were able to make  trades out of it and even trade out of the city, to even Egypt
  • Athen's greatest prosperity
    • the Vase and artists. Artists were not highly regarded
      • These Athenians painters created a new, never beofre seen style
  • Pisistrotus rule did not last long
  • His son Hippias took over
    • followed in his dad's footsteps
    • Athenians soon discovered tyranny
    • Hippias's brother was murdered
    • He not only killed the men who killed his brother, but tourtured one of their wives to death
    • Clystennese decided to take his first gamble, over-throwing Hippias
      • he assembled a small army to overthrow the tyrant
    • 501 BC nad Clystennes was now the most powerful man
  • once every four years, men gathered to test their abilities
  • ancestor of modern olympics
  • anyone could participate
  • competitions based on the heroic stories
  • now real prize, just a wreath and nationwide fame
  • 40,000 greeks would gather for the games
  • most powerful aristocrat conspiring against Clystennes
  • went to the Spartans to betray his country
  • Spartans accepted
  • first targets were the other aristocrats, Clystennese most of all
  • all houses were cast out
  • the people of athens took their destiny into their own hands
  • they rose up in revolution
  • Isagarus held out for two days, and then surrenderd
  • first steps to empire
  • people were taking a say
  • they turned to one man: Clystennese
  • He was asked to build the gorvernment
    • he has a secret meeting place built, were the whole city would gather, and people could have a say in the government
    • insittuded the rule of the people: white stone for yes, and black for no (vote)
    • gathered every 9 days: from the raising of taxes to the bulding of roads,  the price of figs to the declaration of war

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