Monday, March 21, 2011

Notes on the movie 3/21/11

  • started out as an  aristocrat
  • not a democrat
  • born into one of Athen's most elite families
  • had in mind to create a city fit to rule an empire
  • Parthenon - a temple to Athena, and astonishing building; most beautiful building ever built then
  • would require 20 thousand tons of marble to build
  • building was completed in only 15 years
  • was and still is the most glorious symbol of Athens
  • Pericles treated this as his own personal project

  • His partner: Aspasia
    • hetira - Greek for a companion
    • caused a scandal in Athens, because Perciles actually treated her with equality
  • television, cinema, theatre started here.
  • Home of the greatest ancient theatre:
    • the Greeks invented dramas
    • the Greek's invented theatre
    • noisy
    • sometimes performed in masks
    • tragedy and comedy
    • oedipus, agamemnon, and many others were plays held there
Sparta and Athens
  • Sparta was the only other state tat compared to Athens
  • victory over Sparta would declare Athens as ruler of the Mediterranean
  • huberous - excessive pride, thinking you can do anything
    • Pericles
    • He knew this would not be an easy war to win

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