Friday, March 18, 2011

Notes on Ancient Greece 3/18/11

  • a common athenian
  • the savior of his city
  • he alone recognized that the Persians could still be a threat
  • created the most advanced piece of technology: Trirem
    • a complex boat (missle)
    • lethal, could take out a whole ship
    • expensive
  • Athenians found some extra wealth and wanted to give it to everyone
    • Themistelces wanted to spend it on ships
  • Themistecles wanted to built the biggest army and naval fleet
  • Darrius died, his son Xerxes took over
  • Xerxes wanted to burn Athens to the ground
    • began consrtucting troops
    • from every corner of his empire
    • nearly 2 million men
  • In the spring of 480 BC, news reached Athens that Persia was going to invade Athens
  • Greeks went to see the oracle of Delfy
    • she communicates directly to the gods
  • Apithia, the priestess, who spoke with the voice of Apollo
  • The oracle said that they were doomed and to run
  • Themistecles ordered for the evacuation of Athens for the first time, to the village of Troystan
  • All men were to board ships
  • Salamis - a city off the coast of Greece
  • Themistecles wanted the Persians to fight with him in the area between Salamis and Athens
  • Themistecles sends someone into the Persian camp and to pretend that he is a traitor
    • they are all scared, you can go in an crush them. if you go in tonight, you will be able to defeat them
  • The Greeks had lored the Persians into the straight so far that they had no room to menuver
  • The Greeks had won the war, and the Persians had lost 200 fleets
  • the Delian League, Athen's empire
  • Athens also gained economic power after their win with Persia

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