Thursday, March 17, 2011

Today's class and homework 3/17/11

Today in class we watched more of the movie and we took some more notes. My notes are listed in the previous blog post, and this is my homework:

  1. Tyrant - any person of authority who exercises power oppressively or despotically
  2. Hoplite - a heavily armed foot soldier of ancient Greece
  3. Democracy - a state society characterized by formal equal rights and privileges
  4. Agora - a popular political assembly
  5. Acropolis - the citadel or height fortified area of an snceint Greek city
  6. Arisotcracy - a class of persons holding exceptional rank and privileges, especially the hereditary nobility
  1. Homer - was the author of the Illiad and the Odyssey. He was one of the greatest ancient Greek poets and had an enormous influence on the literature back then. His poems were mostly likely some of the first literature ever written.
  2. Cleisthenes - was a noble Athenian, who is responsible for setting ancient Athens into a democratic system. Often referred to as the "Father of democracy."
  3. Darrius - "Darrius the great." He was the ruler of the Persian empire, and he organized the empire by dividing it into provinces. Led the Persian empire to war with the Greeks, but the Greeks won the war
  4. Pisistratos - was a popular ruler, lowering taxes and offering loans to people who needed them. He also helped the poor and disabled. The reason he was ruler of Athens was because he tricked people into believing he had the goddess Athena with him so that the people would make him the ruler.
  5. Isagorus - was an Athenian aristocrat. After Hippias was overthrown, he and Cleisthenes battle for power. He requested help from the Spartan King and then after banning Cleisthenes from Athens, was overthrown by the people.
  6. Hippias - was the son of Pisistratos, and after his borhter was murdered, he brutally killed his murderers and tourtured one of their wives. He became paranoid of people and took most of their rights away.
  7. Pheidippides - a hero of Ancient Greece. He was considered to have inspired the first marathon. He ran and extremely long distance, 140 miles.

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