Friday, March 4, 2011

Notes on Modern Egypt 3/4/11

Modern Egypt
  • tourism
  • agricultue
    • cotton
  • Cairo is a metropolitan area, big tourist site
    • like New York
  • Dam controls the floofing of the Nile
  • * Akhet, Peret, Shomu *
  • 79 million people - biggest population of Middle East
  • Official language - Arabic
  • Relgion- 90% Muslim, most of the rest are Christian
    • major conflicts (12th worst in religious violence, and 5th worst for religious freedom)
  • recenly had a revolution - Hosni Mubarak  was kicked out of office, in 2011. (this year)
  • * Gamal Nasser, Anwar Sadat, and Hosni Mubarak *
    • Sadat made alliance with US - was killed by his own people by a radical hate group
    • Gamal made alliances with the Soviet Union
  • Now ruled by a military junta, military is running things.
    • elections will be held in 6 months
  • Lybia *

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